Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
I Weep Because Many, Turn Their Backs on Me despite My Blessed Mother’s Words, Turning Away
Message from Jesus to Gisella Cardia in Trevignano Romano, Italy on March 19, 2024

Dear daughter, thank you for welcoming Me into your heart and for bending your knees in prayer.
My sister, write what I say to you, "Do not abandon the Cross... Road to Eternal Life!"
Prepare yourselves for this special Easter! What happened on the day of My Crucifixion is still going on today. The hatred against Me, continues in a stronger way! They cannot see the evil that ravages their souls.
I say to those who consider themselves Christians - but turn away from Me every day - do not be angry. Open your hearts of stone! Lean in My Holy Wounds, where you will find comfort.
Do not hinder My works. You are not defending your Faith! You are letting Satan blow his evil spirit upon you, filling you with hatred, resentment and violence. Be loving toward your neighbor, for Eternal Life is at stake.
I weep because many, turn their backs on Me despite My Blessed Mother's words, turning away.
I love you! I will extend My Mercy upon you, even upon those who blaspheme. But I ask you, "Return to Me, adore Me!" I am the One Mediator between men and God. My protection will be over this generation, but acknowledge Me, recognize the Truth and do not be afraid. I want to gather your souls, to give you Eternal Life, not eternal damnation....
Follow Me under the cross! Do not leave Me alone!
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, in My Most Holy Name and the Holy Spirit!
This heartfelt "heartbreaking" plea comes to us from the Son of God as Holy Week approaches. It lets us understand with how much pain and regret, Jesus is moving forward into the Hour of Gethsemane.
He invites us never to abandon the Cross, as He did. But to embrace and love it, for only then can we attain Eternal Life!
Today, more than ever, there is ongoing through hatred, a great persecution against Jesus and against those who strive in their daily lives to witness to the Faith. How many Christians in every part of the world, every day are slaughtered and martyred in hatred of the Faith, precisely because they try to defend the Truth transmitted by Jesus in the Gospel.
Sometimes it is sad to see so many brothers and sisters in the Faith, who allow themselves to be "ravished" by the breath of Satan, which emanates even in the hearts of the most righteous: hatred, resentment and violence. Let us not forget that none of us, is exempt from the temptations of the Evil One. In each of us, the traitorous spirit of Judas, who is always ready to "sell" Jesus again in order to "pander" to the desires of the world, is always snaking around.
It is very moving to hear that He weeps for us, because He does not want our damnation, but eternal salvation. The reason why, He allowed Himself to be crucified is precisely this, so that through the sacrifice of His Life, we could all be redeemed and saved.
Therefore, in these last days leading up to Holy Easter, let us not be distracted by so many things. But let us recognize that only in Him, and for Him, does our life have reason to exist, through silent Eucharistic Adoration, which let us recommit ourselves to and relive at the Sepulchre that will be set up in our parish communities.
On this solemn day, let us entrust ourselves with love as children, to the paternal intercession of St. Joseph, chaste husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus.
Have a good journey.
Source: ➥